Saturday, November 19, 2011

Televised Political Ads Part II

Michael Murphy discussed the ads he made for Bob Dole. One of the ads was to differentiate Dole from Bush and the other was a “bio” ad. Garin says that the ads were good, but by that time it was almost too late because the campaign had “taken a life of its own.”
Geoffrey Garin makes a point that I found very interesting. He said that by a certain point political tv ads do not matter as much. Garin says that when other sources, such as the news, start airing more information about the candidates, then people stop relying on political ads less. I think this is both good and bad for the candidates. It is good that people are relying on other sources, so you competition cannot influence the constituents with negative ads. However, it is also bad because at a certain point ads are not as influential so a candidate has to find other ways to make the public aware of something.

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